Monthly Archives: October 2013

Well…I Guess I Should Say “HAPPY HALLOWEEN!”

happy halloween!

But in all seriousness, Halloween has always been my least favorite holiday. For my readers who are not from America and do no know what this holiday is: basically kids dress up and go from house to house asking for candy. Ridiculous right? Well the original meaning of this pagan celebration is long gone and now the focus is to get as much candy as possible (Then eat it all and have the worst stomach ache of your life). But this was never me. I am not really sure why it is my least favorite holiday but honestly I prefer the 4th of July and Veteran’s Day more than Halloween. I guess I have just always had an issue with the meaning of this holiday. The history of Halloween is as follows; this is a brief history:

“Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity, life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. It is thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints and martyrs; the holiday, All Saints’ Day, incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows’ Eve and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a secular, community-based event characterized by child-friendly activities such as trick-or-treating. In a number of countries around the world, as the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, people continue to usher in the winter season with gatherings, costumes and sweet treats.”

Honestly; only in America would we take a celebration of warding off ghosts and turn it into a candy-eating free-for-all. Only in America people. Well I hope everyone else enjoys your spooky Thursday! I know that despite what I have said so far, I am enjoying Halloween (as I work on homework and eat candy). So “HAPPY HALLOWEEN!”

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P.S.- I dressed up my dog as I have every years since I got her. She has become quite a neighborhood celebrity! Everyone always wants to see what she will be wearing this year and she seems to know what day it is because she gets so excited about going trick-or-treating. This years she was a football player in a cute pink jersey

Status Update


My apologies for being so quiet for so long. Life has been crazy, but then again when is it ever not? I run a group that spreads awareness of Learning Disorders and other disorders that affect learning (ie. ADHD) and I have been fervently trying to arrange for a guest speaker. people getting contacted and others being cancelled! Crazy! Crazy! Crazy! But the group is doing well, surprisingly so, we are the second largest club at my school which is great, not something I was expecting either. We are just wrapping up our section on dyslexia and moving on to synesthesia. synesthesia is a wonderfully interesting and rare disorder that has sparked my interest. Because of all of my studies into disorders I have decided to major in neurology to research and improve the lives of fellow people with disorders. I have decided, however, that I would never wish to figure out a cure for ADHD because my ADHD is a part of who I am today and honestly I don’t think I would recognize myself without it. I have learned to cope with the challenges it presents and use it to my advantage. I was thinking for posts coming up I would explain to you, my lovely readers, what synesthesia is. I find it truly fascinating! Well I guess that’s it for today!

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What do you think?

So recently I had to write an essay on one of the social issues that is talked about all the time and what the Catholic Church thinks about the issue as opposed so a group of Catholics who have differing views. So what did I choose? Only the most controversial topic; contraception! So for the Catholic organization I chose Catholics for Choice. And they are for contraception because Catholics for Choice (CFC) believes that everyone should have access to a variety of safe and legal contraception services. They believe that the use of contraception should be allowed because it prevents unwanted pregnancies and the spread of HIV and AIDs. CFC says that the use of contraception reduces the amount of unwanted pregnancies, thus reducing the number of abortions. AIDs is an epidemic that can be controlled by the use of certain contraception methods, thus saving lives and still allowing couples to partake in normal sexual acts.
The difference in viewpoints from the Catholic Church to Catholics for Choice is that the Vatican banned the use of contraception, while CFC believes that everyone should be able to use safe and legal contraception. On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI wrote Humanae Vitae which, in section 14, bans contraception, calling it unlawful and evil. The Humanae Vitae was the root of the division in the Church; some followed the instructions of the Vatican as written in the document, while others, like CFC, were opposed to the laws presented. The Vatican argues that contraception, “…impairs the capacity to transmit life which God the Creator, through specific laws, has built into it, frustrates His design which constitutes the norm of marriage, and contradicts the will of the Author of life.” (Humanae Vitae section 13) What the Pope is saying is that contraception prevents us from receiving the children the God has decided to send us and disrupts the plans He has for us. Pope Paul VI goes on to say, “Hence to use this divine gift while depriving it, even if only partially, of its meaning and purpose, is equally repugnant to the nature of man and of woman, and is consequently in opposition to the plan of God and His holy will.” (Humanae Vitae section 13) Here the Pope says that using the divine of sexuality which was given as a gift to reproduce, while preventing the reproducing part, is contrary to human nature and most of all opposed to God and what He wants for us. (Humanae Vitae)
I agree with Catholics for Choice on the issue of contraception. I believe that, while children are a gift from God, parents also have a responsibility to only accept as many children as they can responsible take care of. If you can not afford more than two children, then you should not have more. As a parent you are responsible for caring for your children in the best possible way, so being able to financially and emotionally provide for them is critical. I also think than contraception should be used so that, once a couple has had the amount of children they can care for, they do not have to be abstinent for the rest of their lives; they should still be able to partake in activities that express their love for one another. Although I do agree with the ideas of contraception, I believe that it must be a form of birth control that prevents conception. I do not agree with contraception that aborts a life after conception, like the morning after pill.

So I want to know? What is your standing on this topic? Is contraception an ethical thing or should we not use it? I want to hear from you!

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I find this totally true and relatable.

Misty Fitch | Fearfully Made

My Brain

I’ve had so many ideas to write about over the past few weeks, but it seems something is always distracting me.  Today is a different day, though, and I thought I’d use that distraction and lack of focus and write about it.

Short background
I was diagnosed with Adult ADHD back in 2011.  Me, the one who has taught since 2002 and rolled my eyes at the many students who walked through my door with claims of being diagnosed either ADD or ADHD.  I didn’t believe it was real.  I brushed it off as parents who didn’t want to parent their children or children watching too much tv or playing too many video games.  In my head, it was a made up issue that was too quickly medicated.

Now, fast forward a few years (or more), and things for me have gotten worse.  I was getting to where I got…

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the story you have all been waiting for…

According to CHADD the authority on all things ADHD recognizes October as National Awareness Month (everyone else says it September…but whatever) so I want to share my story as some of you have requested…so I guess here goes…

The whole thing really started when I was born because ADHD is hereditary (thanks Dad!) But the issues really became apparent in middle school. In middle school homework should only take what? 2 or 3 hours tops? Well I was taking more like 5-6 hours. So that was the first major problem. Also I was having severe mood swings. Mom calls them my Jekyll-Hyde moments. I was a little terror! BIG issue! So my parents were at their breaking point. First, they dealt with my mood, I went to see Dr. F. His office was in an old converted mill building. He took me into the back room. The room was a fair size and he gestured for me to sit on the brown couch. He talked to me about why I was becoming so mad and turning into a little monster. After a few of these sessions my behavior was getting better but I was still having issues like homework was still taking all hours of the night to get done. So my parents talked with my teachers, and my doctor, Dr. M, and they suggested my parents talk to the School Systems to have me evaluated.
Later on the school system sent a woman to analyze my behavior during class and after have me take some tests.She sat in the back of the classroom taking notes in a yellow-paged notebook. She was polite to me and acted very professional. After math class she took me down to the language lab to do the tests. She showed me pictures of things and asked me what was in the pictures. I remember feeling nervous that I wasn’t going to pass the test because of the looks she was unable to hide while I was answering. I also felt like this was insulting my intelligence because the questions were super easy and sounded like they were meant for first graders.
“Thank you for your time, miss” She said courteously and with that she left without telling me how I did on the test.
Only a few days later I was going with my mom to the school system’s office to meet a new person who was also going to give me some tests. The man stood about five feet six inches. He had grey hair and a tan face. He led me into a big room with red walls and florescent lights on the ceiling.
“Hi, today we are going to have fun together. We are going to play lots of games so don’t be nervous at all.” He said to me kindly.
“Okay” I replied still a little unsure of what was going on.
“Here are some blocks, I am going to show you a picture and I want you to make the picture with those blocks, okay?” He said.
“Sure” I replied a little bit more confidently.
I looked down at the square blocks he gave me. Some were diagonally white and black, some all-white, some all black. He then showed me geometric pictures and I arranged then blocks the match the shape he gave me. We did this over and over. I don’t think I did one single one wrong. He congratulated me and we moved on to the next activity; he would say a word and I had to tell him what it meant.
“Can you tell me the meaning of the word, zenith?”
“Sure, it means the top of something.”
“Good. You know you have a very well-developed vocabulary”
That day I played lots of games with him like jig saw puzzles and other games. But now I realize they weren’t just games; he was testing my problem-solving and strategizing skills. After a couple hours, Mom took me home and I still at this point had no clue what was going on. Weeks later I got a new primary doctor, Dr. For. At the time I met her for the first time I had no clue how big a part of my life she would become.

Months later I went back to see Dr. F in the old mill building. He took us into the room where he talked to me before and gestured for us to take a seat on the light brown couch. I could tell by his body language and facial expression something big was up. He began breaking the news to us slowly, but all I caught was that I had something called ADHD. He continued talking but I was no longer paying attention, I was thinking about what ADHD could possibly be. After he was done talking we left. Mom and Dad talked to me on the way home but again I wasn’t listening, I had so many questions. What was ADHD? Does it have a cure? Is it just temporary? One of my most desired qualities in life was to be normal. Now I definitely wasn’t normal and it shook me up.

Now, looking back on that day I can not even express the joy and gratitude I have to the team of doctors and specialists that I met with and helped me get diagnosed with ADHD. But, you see, it was a huge relief to know that what was wrong with me was an actual things and that I wasn’t the only one. Now that I know there is an issue it is easy to cope. Much has happened since that day and it has been a tiring journey that, even now, continues on with new challenges presented every day. The biggest that was most recent was my diagnosis with Anxiety Disorder. 1/3 of people with ADHD have another disorder as well. I guess I am one of those. But through medicine and therapy I have been able to combat my ADHD and live my life how I want to. Sure, I stumble along the way, but you don’t need ADHD to mess up in life.

Now I have become a huge advocate for ADHD and all Learning Disorders. I think it is hugely important to spread awareness because it is something that affects us all. It is VERY likely you know someone with a disorder and know even know it! I always say that “Ignorance leads to prejudice” so I try to crush ignorance. I encourage other people with disorders to speak up about their experiences so that we can learn from them. I have learned that my ADHD is nothing to be ashamed of because it is a part of who I am but it is Not who I am. I have learned to embrace the challenge of ADHD and make the most of it. I encourage everyone to do the same!

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Love you all!


The best is yet to come….REALLY???

good article for my readers:

Culture Monk

cheerful and happy

By Kenneth Justice

~ I’ve been dealing with a number of major issues this past year. I’ve mentioned before that last December I took a sabbatical from the counseling profession; for much of the last decade I have been involved in various types of human service work (the county jail, the rehab clinic) or enrolled in college finishing and pursuing a number of degrees and certifications.

It was in December of last year that I began to question my commitment towards psychology and the counseling profession;

—) I became concerned with the philosophy behind the psychological help that people are getting in the United States

—) I became concerned that the psychological system is mistakenly designed to ‘keep people in therapy’ rather than to move people out of therapy

—) I became concerned that the real underlying issues behind mental illness and psycho-social problems is only rarely about genetics and…

View original post 760 more words

Science making our world a better place


Science makes our world a better place all the time. I am very passionate about science and helping others so I want to share this article with you.
Here is an interesting video on Huffington Post:

Thanks for being my fans! Reached 300 views today; only 2 weeks after reaching 200! 35 followers! and 12 countries! Thanks everyone! Love you!

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