7 Ways To Show Love To Someone With Anxiety/Depression

Be Brave, and Talk

The hardest people to love are the ones who need it most.

In honour of Valentine’s Day, here are some ideas for showing love to friends and family members with anxiety/ depression:

1.) Give Compliments:

Chances are, someone who suffers from anxiety/depression also struggles with self esteem. Help her challenge her feelings of self loathing by giving her sincere, specific compliments. Being specific is really important, because it will make her more likely to remember what you said later. It will also make her more likely to believe you. For example, instead of saying, “You’re a good mom,” you could say something more meaningful: “You are so patient with your children. I love how you encourage them to keep trying. They are so lucky to have you.”
One thoughtful, genuine compliment has more power than 10 careless comments that feel like flattery. Put your heart into what you say.


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Where For Art Thou Whatshername??

Greetings my people! I know, I know, I haven’t posted in months. Like forever, I know. I have missed weekly posts and I am super sorry for not keeping up with posts. But I wanted to let you all know, I am still here!

As for where I have been, that is a long story. The short version is: drowning in the massive ocean of homework and studying brought about by junior year (of HS) while dealing with numerous issues concerning my mental health. But that is a story for perhaps another time.

But! I will be back to posting here bi-monthly. I am looking forward to some of the articles I have planned. I will also be posting more videos and such.

Now I want to take a minute to look way back to September. I want to thank everyone who viewed my site during September. I nearly tripled my audience that month as well as smashing many other records. Your feedback was amazing and greatly appreciated! So thanks viewers, you da best!

Now I plan to have another ADHD/Anxiety article up this week and a video up in the next few weeks that is am really excited about.

Lastly, really, just thank you all for your support and patience while I work through a difficult time. I will see you soon my lovelies! ❤

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ADHD Video

Videos. Videos. And more videos! Sorry, guys, still getting back into my school routine and working on managing my time with lots of new crazy stuff going on. I promise as soon as i have one, i will post a new interesting think piece or in dept analysis of ADHD or Anxiety. But until then, enjoy the videos!

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Explanation of OCD & Anxiety Disorders


Continuing with my theme of talking about Anxiety Disorders, here is a great video that explains the complex disorders in a simple way. This is a must watch to understand a misunderstood disorder that is so prevalent in today’s society.

Big thanks to Crash Course for providing for this video.

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Anxiety Girl

anxiety girl

I have been wanting to write more about Anxiety but I have been nervous about how to present the subject in the best light. Yes, the irony that I was nervous about writing about Anxiety is not lost on me. I guess I could start by telling you all a story about the irony about my Anxiety.

As some of you know, I am an advocate in my community for Learning Disorders and other disorders that affect learning, like ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, and Depression. The other key thing to know going into this story is that I have a serious phobia of bees, wasps, and hornets. So there I was, talking and talking, lecturing on about the physical dangers of a panic attack when I see a wasp float down from the ceiling. I froze. Was this really happening to me? I could feel my heart rate quicken and my palms become sweaty. I trembled as I tried to keep talking about the dangers of a panic attack, while I was trying to hide the fact that I was experiencing one. Thump. Thump. My heart beat pounded faster and faster. Images of the wasp landing on me spun through my head. My eyes watered as a choked sob tried to make its way out. I took a deep breath. I handed off the mic to my partner to finish my speech. She took it and keep on. I quickly, but as calmly as I could, sprinted for the door of the room. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. Once in the hallway, I sank down against a wall. I raked my fingers threw my hair as I fought to calm down. My mind was racing a mile a minute. My heart still pounded in my chest. I stood up with determination once I had regained some composure. I was not, not going to let my demons defeat me. I was not going to let that wasp, no bigger than my pinky finger keep me from delivering my speech and living my passion. I walked calmly back into the room, rubbing my sweaty palms on my skirt. I caught up with were the lecture was and finished my speech.

Now this day was a big one for me. The irony of that situation was never lost on me. But experiencing all that I had made me think. I was confronted with one of the most terrifying things in my life while I was living my passion. But I always give myself credit for returning to the speech instead of hiding like I had done so many times in the past. I did not let my demons keep me from living my dreams that day. I have had many a panic attacks since that day.

Anxiety is something I, like many others, have struggled with for all our lives. Anxiety is a real disease. Too many people dismiss it as something that is not serious, something that does not deserve the public’s attention. Here is the thing with anxiety, everyone knows what it feels like. I never have, nor probably ever will, meet a person who has never felt the effects of anxiety. What people don’t understand, is how much worse and frequent that feeling is for people with Anxiety Disorders.

Still don’t believe me? Here are some facts brought to you by ADAA, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America:

Did You Know?
-Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (18% of U.S. population).
-Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only about one-third of those suffering receive treatment.
-Anxiety disorders cost the U.S. more than $42 billion a year, almost one-third of the country’s $148 billion total mental health bill, according to “The Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders,” a study commissioned by ADAA (The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 60(7), July 1999).
-More than $22.84 billion of those costs are associated with the repeated use of health care services; people with anxiety disorders seek relief for symptoms that mimic physical illnesses.
-People with an anxiety disorder are three to five times more likely to go to the doctor and six times more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric disorders than those who do not suffer from anxiety disorders.
-Anxiety disorders develop from a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events

I will continue to talk about Anxiety until it is recognized as a serious issue. After all, it is the NUMBER 1 mental illness in the U.S.

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Misery Loves Company

misery loves company

Now as all my readers should know, I have ADHD. But as the saying goes, misery loves company. That is why 2/3 of people with ADHD also have another disorder ranging from Dyslexia to Autism to Anxiety Disorder(s). Now ADHD loves having a buddy, but does not always coexist peacefully, at least not for me.

I have Anxiety as my ‘buddy’ disorder. I have been diagnosed for only a year now. Anxiety and ADHD do not sit comfortably with one another. ADHD likes to be spontaneous and impulsive. Anxiety likes carefully and meticulous planning. Sometimes I feel like my mind is in the middle of a constant tug-of-war between these polar opposite disorders. I have often said its like I have two separate personalities. One being the days were ADHD is winning the competition and the other when Anxiety is. During the school year, I most often fine myself in Anxiety mode, where summer is devoted to spending quality time with my ADHD side.

Here is the difference: medication. Yes, I take Adderall for my ADHD. When I am on my medicine, the ADHD mostly goes away, leaving my mind fresh for the taking by Anxiety. Also, with my meds. I can focus better. That means, if I am experiencing Anxiety, I focus extra hard on that. This does not help my Anxiety. As a result of the over-focusing, my Anxiety is much harder to control. When I am ruled by Anxiety, I am a different person. I am quiet, thoughtful, calm (sometimes!), and moody. I get better grades when I am on my medicine but every good thing comes at a price. Most people prefer me when I am on my meds. I am more level-headed and charming. I am a better people-person, even though I suffer from social-anxiety. That’s right! A social person with social anxiety!

Now the other side, the ADHD ruled side is my least favorite ‘mode’ to be in. I have made my peace with having ADHD but that doesn’t mean I have come to terms with all that comes with this ‘gift’. When I am in ADHD mode I am scatter-brained, I forget EVERYTHING, and I can’t keep attention on anything for more than a minute. The one things I enjoy having ADHD is the miracle of hyper-focusing (a topic for another post!) and my creative mind. I feel much more creative and free. Sure, I am impulsive and spontaneous but that just helps me come up with great ideas (like this blog!).

But here is my biggest struggle. I prefer to be in Anxiety mode because I feel like most people like me better that way. However, my friends think my ADHD is more fun. Even people closest to me prefer my Anxiety side because I’m not forgetting everything and I am much more calm. But which of these two different personalities is the real me? The ADHD one because that’s when i am not medicated and naturally me. Or am I truly more the Anxiety side of the spectrum because that is how I am most of the time? Do you see my dilemma? People like the me that is made artificially with meds. I just wish more people liked me for me. Both ways.

Let me know your thoughts on this topic!
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